Paper industries are among the most important industries in the world, due to the importance of paper in human life and its multiple uses such as writing, printing, packaging, etc.
The paper industry is about extracting fibers from the roots of trees and converting them into paper to be used in writing, printing, packaging, and so on.
The paper recycling process is considered one of the strategic industries at the local and global levels, as this industry purifies the environment from paper waste, maintains a clean environment, and transforms it into important and necessary products.
The importance of the paper recycling process is as follows:
Disposing of perishable paper in a correct and sound manner instead of burning or burying it, which leads to increased pollution
Reducing the demand for wood and fiber and allowing forests to increase their capacity to absorb carbon from the atmosphere
Protecting agricultural lands and places for throwing paper waste
Energy saving
Reducing imports from abroad and reviving the local market
The paper recycling process consists of several basic stages, namely:

Collecting used paper from institutions, schools and agencies

It is considered the most important stage in the recycling of paper. To obtain a good quality of paper, good sorting is required

The shredded paper is immersed in water basins

Mixing the shredded paper with the mixing device to get the dough

The paper is formed in different ways according to the required product

The formed paper is dried